United Way Worldwide
The United Way of Oxford-Lafayette County (UWOLC) is proud to be a member of the United Way Worldwide (UWW) network. While UWOLC’s focus is on the Lafayette-Oxford-University (LOU) community and raising as well as investing money locally, our membership in the UWW network provides access to opportunities and resources from around the world.
United Way Worldwide History
The United Way movement began in Denver in 1887 when a woman, a priest, two ministers, and a rabbi recognized the need for cooperative action to address their city’s welfare problems. Frances Wisebart Jacobs, the Reverend Myron W. Reed, Monsignor William J. O’Ryan, Dean H. Martyn Hart, and Rabbi William S. Friedman came together to plan the first united campaign for ten health and welfare agencies. They created an organization to serve as an agent to collect funds for local charities, as well as to coordinate relief services, counsel and refer clients to cooperating agencies, and make emergency assistance grants in cases that could not be referred.
That year, Denver raised $21,700 and created a movement that would become United Way and spread throughout the world. More than 130 years later, United Way is still focused on mobilizing the caring power of communities and making a difference in people’s lives.
United Way Worldwide Membership Requirements
United Way Worldwide maintains strict membership requirements, holding all local United Ways to rigorous accountability and transparency standards. The “Membership Requirements Completed” icon on this website indicates that UWOLC has successfully completed all annual UWW membership requirements.