Girl Scouts Heart of the South builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. By providing real-world opportunities for girls in grades K-12, girls learn and practice leadership skills
There are several ways you can give in order to advance health, education, and financial stability throughout Oxford and Lafayette County. Every contribution is an investment in the Lafayette-Oxford-University (LOU) community and makes a significant impact as no gift is too small to make a meaningful difference.
Please make checks payable to the United Way of Oxford-Lafayette County and mail to the address listed below:
United Way of Oxford-Lafayette County
440 N. Lamar Blvd., Suite 5
Oxford, MS 38655
You can also drop off your payment at the referenced address. If we are out of the office, please place your payment through the mail slot on our front door. To download a printable pledge card in PDF format, please click here.
You can give online using a credit/debit card or PayPal using the online form at the bottom of this page or through our online donation page. You can also give by visiting our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Our local United Way also accepts charitable contributions through bank drafts, stock transfers, IRA distributions, stock transfers, designated endowment gifts, and other means. If you would like to contribute, please be sure to send us a pledge card and we will contact you regarding your donation. You can download and print a pledge form by clicking here or you can fill out an online pledge form here.
Thank you for your desire to invest in our community. We are grateful for your support as we improve lives and meet community needs by uniting people and resources.
If you are interested in volunteering in the LOU community, please click here to visit our volunteer page, which provides information on our program partners as well as other local organizations that offer volunteer opportunities. Please review the descriptions to determine potential volunteer options that fit your interests, skills, schedule, etc. and then click on the name for contact information and further details.
There are many ways you can advocate for issues that affect Oxford and Lafayette County. One easy way you can help advocate is by following us (@UWOxfordMS) on social media and sharing our posts in order to help raise awareness. Our primary social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.