FY 20-21 Program Partners
In fiscal year (FY) 2020-2021, the United Way of Oxford-Lafayette County invested in health, education, income, and basic needs programs run by the following partners. To learn more about the programs the identified partners implemented throughout FY 2020-2021, please click here.
Boys & Girls Clubs of North Mississippi
The Boys & Girls Clubs of North Mississippi seeks to inspire and enable all young people to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens. This mission is accomplished by utilizing core Boys & Girls Club programs and partnerships that focus on academic success, good character and leadership, and healthy lifestyles.
CASA of Lafayette County
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Lafayette County is a non-profit organization that advocates for the best interests of abused and neglected children through the development and support of court-sanctioned, community-based programs that provide trained and supervised volunteers.
Doors of Hope Transition Ministries
Doors of Hope Transition Ministries guides homeless families and at-risk homeless families towards self-reliance and stability through a holistic, individualistic approach that includes life-skills training, mentoring, and supportive housing.
North Mississippi Exchange Family Center
North Mississippi Exchange Family Center improves the quality of life for at-risk families by breaking the cycle of child abuse and neglect through prevention, intervention, and educational services.
Family Crisis Services of Northwest Mississippi
Family Crisis Services of Northwest Mississippi assists and supports victims of violent crime and strengthens as well as stabilizes families. The agency provides 24-hour crisis intervention, counseling, education, legal advocacy, and referral for victims of child abuse and sexual assault as well as friends and family of homicide victims.
Girl Scouts Heart of the South
Girl Scouts Heart of the South builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. By providing real-world opportunities for girls in grades K-12, girls learn and practice leadership skills, explore new interests, gain positive values, access life-changing adventures, and make community contributions.
Gordon Community & Cultural Center, Inc.
Gordon Community & Cultural Center, Inc. serves the citizens of Lafayette County by providing educational programs to elementary school children in first through sixth grades during the summer and vocational training in the construction trades to adults eighteen years and older.
Interfaith Compassion Ministry
Interfaith Compassion Ministry (ICM) assists individuals and families through crisis situations by providing for their basic needs: food, shelter, utilities, medications, and transportation. ICM is our community’s primary agency that assists homeless people by providing counseling, temporary housing, food, and stabilization in new living arrangements.
Junior Auxiliary of Oxford
Junior Auxiliary of Oxford represents a serious endeavor by women to serve and be a vital part of the community in rendering charitable services which are beneficial to the general public, with particular emphasis on children.
Lafayette County Literacy Council
Lafayette County Literacy Council is a non-profit, community-based agency founded in 1996 to promote the importance of literacy for both children and adults. The agency’s mission is to improve the quality of life in Oxford and Lafayette County through literacy and reading.
North Mississippi Kidney Foundation
North Mississippi Kidney Foundation provides individuals on life-saving dialysis with need-based assistance for expenses related to medications, transportation, and emergency financial needs.
Oxford Community Market
Oxford Community Market fosters community bonds, strengthens local economies, educates consumers, promotes better health, and improves access to fresh, healthy, local, and sustainable goods for all citizens, including those traditionally underserved.
Special Olympics Mississippi (Area 4)
Special Olympics Mississippi (Area 4) provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving the continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community.
The Leap Frog Program
The Leap Frog Program’s mission is to provide a nurturing environment in which at-risk students can develop and enhance necessary skills for academic success, build productive, ongoing relationships with adults, and improve their self-esteem.
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Three Rivers Area Agency on Aging
Three Rivers Area Agency on Aging (AAA) provides senior citizens with needed services and benefits that will improve their quality of life and help them maintain their independence as well as live their lives with dignity and security. Three Rivers AAA funds the local Meals on Wheels program, which provides meals to seniors and homebound residents.
In addition to the aforementioned program partners, the United Way of Oxford-Lafayette County also provided funding for the following community impact and coalition work in FY 2020-2021:
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Clinic
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Clinic helps low- and moderate-income residents of Lafayette County with tax returns twice a week at the Lafayette County & Oxford Public Library during tax season. Students in the University of Mississippi School of Law’s tax practicum clinical program manage and staff the clinic.
LOU Reads Coalition
LOU Reads Coalition is a group of local organizations and community leaders dedicated to ensuring that all children in our community can proficiently read by the end of the third grade. Coalition members focus their collective energy and expertise on four main areas: school readiness, attendance, out-of-school time opportunities, and targeted efforts to promote grade level reading. Coalition goals include ensuring all children enter kindergarten prepared to succeed in school as well as life, increasing the percentage of children who miss fewer than ten days of school on an annual basis, minimizing summer learning loss as well as increasing participation in quality out-of-school time programs, and improving supports so as to increase the percentage of students who end the school year as proficient readers.